Commercial and residential locks.
$1.79. That's about how much it costs for a thief to get your key duplicated at any one of more than 30,000 hardware or 26,000 discount stores nationwide.

» How did they get your key?
» Ever given your key to a babysitter or pet sitter?
» How about a maid or cleaning service?
» Or a parking lot attendant or valet?
» How about your garage mechanic?
Even an unskilled thief can get a copy of your key made by writing down the code stamped on it —and it only takes moments. Locks provide no protection if others can copy your keys!

And how about the locks on your doors? If they are like most locks available at many retail stores, they have very limited combinations — meaning the chances of your neighbor's key fitting your door are as high as 1 in 50.

It could happen to you!

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